Do you know what this is? It's a sushi Christmas tree of course- isn't it cool? I found it here.
I don't know too much about cooking (hence why I've never tried to do a recipe post), but what I am good at is talking about and eating food. And isn't that what being a foodie is all about?
I know what you are thinking- poor talentless little t- anyone can talk about and eat food. ANYONE. But no! It takes years of practice- keeping up to date on the newest food trends (Sushi Christmas trees?), hours of labourous trawling through food blogs for the latest must-eats, watching reruns of The Restaurant and mimiking Tom Doorley... the arduous list goes on.
Never fear! I've done the legwork for you and when it comes to that all-defining moment in a foodie's career- the complicated menu- here is my little t guide so that you too can avoid pointing at the menu like a simpleton...
The top ten mispronouced foodie words (and how to pronounce them):
Bruschetta (Broo-skeh-tah)
Gnocchi (Nyoh-kee)
Gyro (Yeer-oh)
Huitlacoche (Wheet-lah-koh-chay)
Pouilly-Fuisse (Poo-yee-fwee-say)
Mole (Moh-lay)
Paczki (Poonch-key)
Pho (Fuh)
Prosciutto (Proh-shoo-toe)
Sake (Sah-kay)
Which foodie words do you have issues with pronoucing?
I don't know too much about cooking (hence why I've never tried to do a recipe post), but what I am good at is talking about and eating food. And isn't that what being a foodie is all about?
I know what you are thinking- poor talentless little t- anyone can talk about and eat food. ANYONE. But no! It takes years of practice- keeping up to date on the newest food trends (Sushi Christmas trees?), hours of labourous trawling through food blogs for the latest must-eats, watching reruns of The Restaurant and mimiking Tom Doorley... the arduous list goes on.
Never fear! I've done the legwork for you and when it comes to that all-defining moment in a foodie's career- the complicated menu- here is my little t guide so that you too can avoid pointing at the menu like a simpleton...
The top ten mispronouced foodie words (and how to pronounce them):
Bruschetta (Broo-skeh-tah)
Gnocchi (Nyoh-kee)
Gyro (Yeer-oh)
Huitlacoche (Wheet-lah-koh-chay)
Pouilly-Fuisse (Poo-yee-fwee-say)
Mole (Moh-lay)
Paczki (Poonch-key)
Pho (Fuh)
Prosciutto (Proh-shoo-toe)
Sake (Sah-kay)
Which foodie words do you have issues with pronoucing?
Quinoa is my *favourite* frequently mispronounced work.
(...have to admit to never having heard of Huitlacoche or Mole!)
I seriously would LOVE that sushi Christmas tree in my living room! Haha, I love the mispronounced list - I'll probably go around all day saying prosciutto in my head now :)
Haha that is so cute! Too bad I don't like sushi XD
I have trouble saying lots of stuff...haha
Thank you for this guide ... maybe you can give us some short descriptions. What is Huitlacoche or Mole, or paczki? I thought I was a foodie ... hahaha
LOVE the sushi tree! I want one! :o)
you got me on a bunch of these, thelma.
words I haven't had to use much, but in my mind I said it differently
thanks! this is helpful!
you are so lucky to have bangs! In Holland it is so humid I jut dont dare ;)
And I want all that sushi!
sushi christmas tree! omg adorable
Okay so Mole is a thick Mexican-style sauce, huitlacoche is a type of edible fungus (I think it grows on corn) and paczki are traditional Polish pastries (similar to doughnuts).
Emma, how could I forget Quinoa (keen-wa)??
ha ha I am glad you were inspired by the picture! I loved it too. And I love gnocchi's. I always get nervous ordering them because I feel I am saying them wrong... ha ha. Thanks for the clarification!
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