It's time to take pleasure in the little things... the inspiration for this post on the best cheap beauty buys. They all come in at under a tenner.

1. St. Moriz self tan: see ravings in previous post here. €4, Penneys.
2. Vaseline: While you're in Penneys, pick up a pot for €1. It kind of annoys me when people list vaseline as one of their dessert-island essentials, as if it is some kind of wonder product (why would you choose a little pot of petroleum jelly over, say firewood?), but I still think it deserves a place on this list.
3. Sephora milky make-up remover: This stuff is great. Sadly, you can't buy in Ireland. €6.50, Sephora (obviously).
4. Barbara Daly eye pencil in dark brown: Not too smudgy, just smudgy enough. €4.90, Tesco.
5. Original Source Mint and Tea Tree Shower Gel: My absolute favourite, but then I love anything that makes my skin tingle. They used to have a shaving gel too, but it was discontinued (why??). This is always on offer and you can usually get it for under €2 in Boots.
6. Loréal Elnett Hairspray: For backcombing and everything else. My tip is to get the biggest can- it gives a finer mist. €7.90 from Boots.
7. Pantene Aqua Light: A recent discovery after I was taken in by the 'swisssssh' ads. I got the Shampoo and Conditioner for €5 in Tesco.
8. Boots Coconut and Almond Leave-in Conditioner: Smells like holidays. I can't take credit for this one- thanks Roisin! €1.39 from Boots. STOCK UP.
9. Garnier Body Cocoon Body Moisturiser: 2 (400ml) bottles for €10, Boots.
10. Almond Oil: Facial massages are my newest de-stresser. You'll get it at most chemists for under €3.
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