Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 Best Cheap Beauty Buys

I've been living it up lately, pretending to myself that I am earning a lot more than I am... or perhaps believing that if I inherently deserve something (clothes, shoes, the odd gourmet breakfast), that it will find a way of paying for itself.

It's time to take pleasure in the little things... the inspiration for this post on the best cheap beauty buys. They all come in at under a tenner.

1. St. Moriz self tan: see ravings in previous post here. €4, Penneys.

2. Vaseline: While you're in Penneys, pick up a pot for €1. It kind of annoys me when people list vaseline as one of their dessert-island essentials, as if it is some kind of wonder product (why would you choose a little pot of petroleum jelly over, say firewood?), but I still think it deserves a place on this list.

3. Sephora milky make-up remover: This stuff is great. Sadly, you can't buy in Ireland. €6.50, Sephora (obviously).

4. Barbara Daly eye pencil in dark brown: Not too smudgy, just smudgy enough. €4.90, Tesco.

5. Original Source Mint and Tea Tree Shower Gel: My absolute favourite, but then I love anything that makes my skin tingle. They used to have a shaving gel too, but it was discontinued (why??). This is always on offer and you can usually get it for under €2 in Boots.

6. Loréal Elnett Hairspray: For backcombing and everything else. My tip is to get the biggest can- it gives a finer mist. €7.90 from Boots.

7. Pantene Aqua Light: A recent discovery after I was taken in by the 'swisssssh' ads. I got the Shampoo and Conditioner for €5 in Tesco.

8. Boots Coconut and Almond Leave-in Conditioner: Smells like holidays. I can't take credit for this one- thanks Roisin! €1.39 from Boots. STOCK UP.

9. Garnier Body Cocoon Body Moisturiser: 2 (400ml) bottles for €10, Boots.

10. Almond Oil: Facial massages are my newest de-stresser. You'll get it at most chemists for under €3.

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