During a visit to Paris in 2009, I was mistaken for a local by two separate French people within the space of a couple of hours. It was, honestly, one of my proudest moments. As everyone knows, it is the ultimate compliment from a French person to be considered one of their own. It was also no accident- although it is rare that I summon the energy to dress ‘French’ on a regular basis, I still consider myself to be a studied expert on French style.
Here are my tips for, at the very least, blending in:
1. Wear stripes. Yes, it’s true! French people do wear stripes. (They do not wear berets).

2. Gym gear is for the gym only. If you see a French person in runners, chances are they will be running.
3. Wear your trousers/ jeans one inch too short.

4. Wear your hair up.
5. Wear a scarf. Remember Paris is the home of Hermès and Hermès invented scarves (I think).
6. Wear black. Ignore any thinly disguised insults suggesting you should do otherwise.

7. Invest in good shoes. Heels are preferable, but ballet flats are a good alternative.
8. The sexy detail. Garance Doré (French fashion blogger and style icon extraordinaire) claims that even the most disorganised French girl never forgets the sexy detail: red lipstick, a touch of lace, the t-shirt that falls off the shoulder…

9. Tone down the make-up. And the fake tan. And the false lashes, highlights, gel nails… less is more.
10. Un certain je ne sais quoi. That certain something so difficult to emulate. I don’t know if I can help with this one… maybe try appearing bored by everything, then randomly getting passionately worked up over mundane conversation topics. That should do it.