You know how much I love lists- so naturally I made this a ‘top ten’. These are the movies I go to when I need a hug, but the people who love me are not there at that exact moment.
10. The Pursuit of Happyness

Yes, the majority of this movie is frustration, heartache and suffering. But at its core is real life evidence that if we are prepared to work (really) hard, education is a ticket out. I think that’s a good message. And Christopher (Will Smith’s son in the film, and in real life) is just. too. cute.
9. Stranger than Fiction

I adored this film for everything it was not. Nothing about it is cookie-cutter cinema. It is definitely not is a typical Will Ferrell movie- he keeps his pants on and actually acts. It is funny and subtly romantic without ever bordering on cheesy, and the relationship between Harold and Ana (Maggie Gyllenhaal) will make you believe in real love between ordinary people (my favourite scene is when he brings her flours- she is a baker!).
8. The Holiday

Ingredients for a feel-good movie: Cameron Diaz, Idyllic setting(s), Christmas, Snow, Falling in love, The comic genius that is Jack Black, An endearing old man, The nice guys finishing first…
7. 500 Days of Summer

One of my favourite films of all time, feel-good or otherwise. It’s weird how it is not always the happiest endings that make us feel good. This is a romantic comedy, but with all the hurt and anger, just like in real life.
6. There’s Something About Mary

There is something about Mary, isn’t there? I don’t think I have met anyone who doesn’t like this movie. Even if I am in a really bad humour, I can’t help but laugh at the ‘7 minutes abs’ sketch (do you remember?)
5. When Harry Met Sally

This is the original romantic comedy. I find it weird how this was released when I was 3 years’ old, but translates perfectly to the little differences between men and women and the complex tangle of emotions we feel in relationships today.
4. Pretty Woman

You are sitting at home on a weeknight and you realise Pretty Woman is on TV. So you make yourself a cup of tea, put on a white bathrobe and watch it for the umpteenth time. No one plans it, but for some reason that is the most natural thing in the world to do. A prostitute rescued from the streets by Richard Gere may not seem like the classic fairy tale, but somehow this is Disney for adults.
3. Chocolat

Chocolat is magical. That’s all I’m saying. Watch it please. Oh, and you’ve got to make yourself a steamy cup of hot chocolate first. Is that a given? Get the good stuff- the kind that is like little chocolate buttons that you stir into hot milk (I brought some back to Abu Dhabi from here). You’ll thank me for it later.
2. Love, Actually

The first time I seen this movie in the cinema, I wanted to stay for the later showing and watch it all over again. My date wouldn’t accommodate me. Huff. I’ve made up for it by watching it at least once a year since then, usually in the first week of December. Last year, watching this about a week before I flew home for Christmas, I can’t explain how excited the airport arrivals scene made me!
1. Forrest Gump

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you’re gonna get” – possibly the most over-quoted line of all time, and essentially flawed in that most boxes of chocolates come with one of those little cards inside the box telling you exactly what you get. Other than that, I reckon this movie is close to perfect. Everyone has seen it, but you need to see it again. There is so much you’ve missed, trust me. Told as a simple and unpretentious story, the most important of life’s lessons can be found right in this one film.
What movies make you feel like everything is okay in the world?