…according to me! Here is the top 10 countdown:
10. Penn and Blake (or Serena and Dan)
9. Antonio and Melanie
8. Jake and Reese
7. Gavin and Gwen

6. David and Courtney
5. Johnny and Kate
4. Marlon and Marilyn
3. Scott and Garance
2. Javier and Penelope
1. Johnny and Vanessa
Yes, I know Johnny Depp is on there twice, but it’s my list!
Well, do you agree? Who did I forget about?
Really loved Penn and Blake/Dan and Serena together! I also thought Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were really cute together!
Thanks for visiting my blog! :o)
Hey T! This is a great list of couples... I've always find it weird how Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffth could get a long so well, as for Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, they look just perfect :)
Good list. I never knew Marlon and Marilyn were a couple, which is strange I love old movies and old Hollywood. Therefore I must throw in Bogey and Bacall. I like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill too.
Gorgeous couples!
Love this list. I'm a Blake + Penn fan rather than a Serena + Dan fan. The only thing I'd like to add would be one of my cutest couples, Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson!
Scott and Garance...Two amazing talents in one fabulous couple!
I miss Jake & Reese! But I love Javier & Penelope - they are so perfect together!
I love that you put twice Johnny! He is so great and I love to see him ;)
And good to see there is no Brangelina in the list! ;)
1, 2, 3, and 7! I'm sad Jakey and Reese broke up. They were so cute.
Johnny Depp should always be on any list twice. :)
Great list - I would add Victoria and David Beckham and Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
Love this! I think Gwen and Gavin are so cool, and that photo of Kate Moss and Johnny Depp is fantastic!
I think Courtney and David are so cute together. I really hope they get back together!
Haha, of course Johnny is on twice ♥ !
What a cool list of couples! I'd add Sheldon and Amy from the Big Bang Theory, haha, I love that show! :D
Hope you have a great week! ;D
love this!
penn and blake, johnny and vanessa, and javier and penelope!! so true.
What a brilliant idea to post about celebrity couples. I'm afraid to say it out loud but I kind of like the Beckhams...Still together even though the media has tried to break them up thousands of times. However...your list was great!
I love that everyone agreed that Brad and Angelina shouldn't be on the list. I thought about putting Jen and Brad on there, but I then I thought she is a lot better without him.
Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet entertaining and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work!
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