Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween


via A Cup of Jo

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Read This

The following passage, taken from Skippy Dies by Paul Murray, literally gave me goose bumps.  I had an urge to re-read it aloud, gospel-style, in the street to passers by.   As that would have been completely socially unacceptable, I thought maybe I would put it here instead.

“You know, you spend your childhood watching TV, assuming that at some point in the future everything you see there will someday happen to you: that you too will win a Formula One race, hop a train, foil a group of terrorists, tell someone ‘Give me the gun’ etc.  Then you start secondary school and suddenly everyone is asking you about your ‘career plans’ and your ‘long term goals’, and by goals they don’t mean the kind you are going to score in the FA Cup.  Gradually the awful truth dawns on you: that Santa Claus was just the tip of the iceberg- that your future will not be the roller coaster ride you’d imagined, that the world occupied by your parents, the world of washing dishes, going to the dentist, weekend trips to the DIY superstore to buy floor tiles, is actually largely what people mean when  they speak of life.  Now, with every day that passes, another door seems to close, the one marked ‘Professional Stuntman’ or ‘Fight Evil Robot', until the weeks go by and the doors- ‘Get Bitten by Snake’, ‘Save World from Asteroid’, ‘Dismantle Bomb with Seconds to Spare’- keep closing, you begin to hear the sound as a good thing, and start closing some yourself, even ones that didn’t necessarily need to be closed…”

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dinosaur Love

walks with bella cartoon

Sunday, October 23, 2011

More things to be happy about (15)

Fellow airline passengers;  coming in out of the rain;  dormitories;  the genius of Dr. Seuss;  singing in the car;  Italian suits;  any sign that takes on a new meaning when a magnetic letter falls off;  old teddy bears;  getting a really good haircut;  red carpet welcomes;  travel journals;  eating the chocolate bunny’s head off first;  ‘wash me’ instructions on dirty cars;  finding a new drink;  when someone pours washing-up liquid into the fountain;  Jillypuff from Pokemon;  soft kisses;  a compliment from a stranger;  aromatic bedtime bathing;  red toenails.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Best of… August 11

I am aware how far away from August we are at this stage, but months/ seasons are less important to me lately.  Here in Abu Dhabi, there are really only two seasons: Hot and Unbearably Hot.  My solution is to buy a bicycle, enticed by the possibility of a self-created breeze… and how pretty these girls look:

August HeyPrettyThing1

August Sart1

via Hey Pretty Thing and The Sartorialist

Why is it that ladies who ride bikes always look so beautiful?  Is that a universal law or something?  Like Tennis Players and Musicians.  Always attractive.  Why is that?

August NRC1

August Aqui3

via Aqui

Other summery looks I might still get away with include piling on tons of bracelets together, denim cut-off shorts (I’m still searching for the perfect pair), colour-blocking bright shades, mixing patterns and messy beachy hair.

August Hanelli1

August Thats Chic

August Aqui2

August Aqui1

via Hanelli, That’s Chic and Aqui

On the other hand, Rumi reminded me of all the things I miss wearing.  Leather and boots of any kind just don’t work in the desert.

August Rumi1

August Rumi2

August Rumi3

August Rumi4

via Fashion Toast

August HeyPrettyThing3

via Hey Pretty Thing

I spotted this on Hey Pretty Thing and a little gasp escaped me. I’ve wanted one of these since I was born (slight exaggeration).  Isn’t it so pretty? If anyone knows where I can purchase online, that will ship to either Ireland or the UAE, drop me a little mail. I would be eternally grateful. 

August VJ1

via Vanessa Jackman

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I’m baaaa-ck

Hello.  I missed you.

Lots of things have been going on in my life in the last month, that I wanted to share, but couldn’t.  It turns out that it was more difficult than anyone could have envisioned to get set up with the internet over here.

Hello Internet.  I have missed you too.

Thank you to the man who brought the internet back.  I’m sorry I didn’t share the white rum with you, but it was kind of weird of you to ask.  Seriously.

I’m back now and that’s all that matters.  I have some catch-up posts and other fun stuff all ready and I can’t wait to start blogging again.

I really did miss you.