I think it’s about time I got cracking on this list of mine. This was an easy one. I started my skincare regime on Day 1 of The Day Zero Project and have followed it, pretty much religiously, since then.
I have long complained of problematic, breakout prone skin. It has been pretty bad at times, but never quite bad enough to seek medical help. I mostly put it down to stress. Funnily enough, I have never considered my dairy laden diet, lack of any skincare regime and habit of sleeping in my makeup to be contributing factors. Until now.

I chose Proactiv Solution, not because of the hilarious Jessica Simpson adverts, but because a few people I know told me that they used it and it worked. So I did it. And I have seen a noticeable improvement in my skin. Surprise Surprise.
My skin type isn’t oily- if anything it can be a bit dry sometimes. It is temperamental and prone to nasty sore breakouts. One of my biggest complaints is that when I am run down, my skin looks very dull and tired. If you have skin like mine, I suggest you give this a try. Get it here.
€5 has been donated to the Ardoch Youth Foundation for the completion of this ‘thing’. I read about this cause on The Belle Lumiere- Jessica is trying to raise $200AUD to fund a breakfast club for underprivileged children- read about it and donate by clicking here.
P.S. If there are any specific charities that you would like me to support through The Day Zero Project, leave a comment below with details or send me an email about them.